Maximilian Kurjahn

PhD student at the Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics und Self-Organisation, Göttingen

Research interests

- Stimuli-dependent self-organization in colonies of filamentous cyanobacteria

Curriculum Vitae

Since January 2021

PhD student at the Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics und Self-Organisation, Göttingen

October 2018-December 2020

Masters in Physics at the Georg-August Universität, with the thesis "Capturing Large Fluctuations in the Dynamics of Biochemical Reaction Networks using Path Integrals"

August 2017-December 2017

Exchange semester at the National University of Singapore (NUS)

Octpber 2015-September 2018

Bachelors in Physics at the Georg-August Universität, with the thesis "Kinematic Reconstruction of tt̄ Events in the Dileptonic Final State"